Saturday, February 26, 2011

First Keg Cut

I made my first attempt at cutting the top off of a keg today.  I went to home depot with intentions of making a jig like the thread here. While browsing the piping aisle at home depot i saw a T coupler that i thought would work perfectly.  So after sizing it up i found that it would not work without a little modification (you can see the modification from the picture below.

I had to cut the T coupler in half and then one end off of it so it would make the size cut i needed.  Also when i went to put the metal band around the coupler and the handle it was too loose. The sides of the coupler needed to be drilled out to tighten up enough on the angle grinder handle. Below a picture of the grinder and coupler on a keg. 
Below is a picture of the final product before the edges are cleaned up.  The liquid in it is old beer and water that we put in it to dampen the sound while cutting.  You need to watch the end cause the lid drops straight into the water after it is cut.  I imagine that the next one should go much smoother.  I will try to get some action shots as i cut the next one.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Logo Gary Drew

Here's the picture gary drew that I traced and colored.  What do you think?