Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This Weekends Brew: Porter


Batch size5 gallons
Boil size6.1 gallons
Boil time60 minutes
Grain weight12.75 pounds
Original gravity1.068
Final gravity1.017
Alcohol (by volume)6.7%
Bitterness (IBU)30
Color (SRM) 28.3°L

    1028London Ale

Grains/Extracts/Sugars:12.75 pounds
2 Row Base
    37ppg, 1.5°L8 pounds
Munich (Light)
    34ppg, 10°L2 pounds
Oats (Flaked)
    32ppg, 2°L1 pound
    29ppg, 400°L0.75 pounds
Crystal 20L
    35ppg, 20°L0.5 pounds
Crystal 40L
    34ppg, 40°L0.5 pounds

Hops:3 ounces
Fuggles hops
    5%, Whole1.5 ounces
Goldings (Kent) hops
    5%, Pellet1 ounce
Ahtanum hops
    6%, Whole0.5 ounces

Mash:60 minutes, 152°F
    60 minutes (+0)
Boil:60 minutes, 6.1 gallons

Fuggles hops
    5%, Whole1.5 ounces
60 minutes (+0)

Goldings (Kent) hops
    5%, Pellet1 ounce
20 minutes (+40)

Fuggles  hops
    5%, Whole0.5 ounces
5 minutes (+58)
14 days @ 60-72°F

Saturday, March 26, 2011

IPA: Sunday's Brew

Recipe Calculation

07. India Pale Ale, India Pale AleAll-grain
ABV5.9 %
Boil Volume6 gallons
Batch Size5 gallons
Yeast75% AA
Style Comparison
 Low High
% WeightWeight (lbs)GrainGravity PointsColor
90.9 %10.00American Two-row Pale55.53.6
9.1 %1.00American Crystal 40L5.18.0
 11.00 60.6 
% WtWeight (oz)HopFormAA%AAUBoil TimeUtilizationIBU
50.0 %1.00CascadeWhole/Plug8.68.6600.22929.5
50.0 %1.00CentennialWhole/Plug10.510.5200.13921.8
 2.00      51.3
Calculated by

Friday, March 11, 2011


So I am kicking around ideas for the automation of the new brew system. There are several ways I can go with this, and I will be kicking around the pros and cons of each system.

The first system is the Brutus system. This is the simplest system but does not allow for some cool upgrades later on down the line. This system uses PID temperature controllers to monitor temperatures and to tell the gas valves when to open.

Here is a link to the original Brutus build

The second is a little more complicated but will do a whole lot more. The cool part about it is you can add on to the system later.

The brewtroller system is a computer board with a LCD output. The system will monitor temps and tell valves to open to raise temps. The cool part about it is it will also turn on and off pumps, and fill tanks using pressure sensors and valves. It also has a USB interface to output data to a pc.

The problem with this system is it comes as a couple computer boards that need to be put together. While this lets you configure it the way you want it, it will be more difficult to put together.

The third option is bcs-460. This is a USB device that will control temperature and a pump or 2.

This uses a web based app to control the system. Which will require a computer or laptop to be next to the system at all times (it does have an iPhone app though.)

The good part about this system is it is already put together and ready to go.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Brew stand

Here is a quick drawing of what our stand will look like. I decided to go with a 2 tier system, to eliminate the need for 2 pumps if I want to do a fly sparge. I kind of modeled the stand idea from this post.

I think I will use casters so I can easily move the stand when need. I will remove the height of the casters from the height of the stand, because I am already pushing the upper limits of the height that I want to go. The bottom height has to be that tall to fit the fermentation vessel. The top tier has to be able to transfer into the boil kettle so that height can't change.

Do you think the height will be an issue? My worry at this point is the base won't be wide enough, and the stand will be unstable. Will the use of casters add to this problem? The use of angle iron will allow me to make quick modifications if one idea doesn't work.